Developer tools

Adding GIS services to QGIS

The QGIS desktop mapping application has basic support for consuming the ArcGIS feature layers from SmarterWX Sentinel. This article describes the steps for adding a layer into your QGIS map.

GIS web services

You can include map layers from SmarterWX Sentinel within your own mapping applications. This allows you to share enquiry history with others within your organisation or to integrate BYDA data with your own business information.

Web hooks

Web hooks are a developer tool that allows you to integrate the BYDA referral service into your own business applications.

API integration

The Application Programming Interface (API) for the BYDA referral service is a public specification allowing developers to build tools and applications that add additional value or customisation to the referral service.

Accessing developer tools

Developer tools allow you to integrate SmarterWX Sentinel with your own business applications. For example, you might want to automatically trigger a BYDA enquiry from your project management solution or show the job sites within your GIS application. The developer tools menu is hidden by default. To activate the menu go to “My Profile” and […]